In challenging times when governments of all levels are faced with competing demands on their resources, it is vital that the industry has a considered and concerted 'one voice' advocacy body.

We speak up for the tourism industry's collective interests in all relevant policy areas. I
n close consultation with members and industry partners, we prepare and present submissions on behalf of the industry. These submissions cover a broad range of issues such as business regulation, skills development, award modernisation and environmental issues (including marine biodiversity, water management and climate change).
Our team meets regularly with relevant state and federal government Ministers and leaders to bring tourism issues to the centre of government decision making. This contact ensures strong communication between the industry and governments is maintained.
We gather and share the research so both our team and our members know what’s really going on and regularly call on our members for feedback on various issues and opportunities.
Our team works proactively with the media to generate attention for the Queensland tourism industry and ensures the sector continues to maintain a strong, unified voice.