An outcome of the 2017 Destination IQ conference was the recognition and industry request for an Indigenous Tourism Strategy to guide the development and growth of Indigenous tourism across Queensland.
After comprehensive consultation with First Nations communities around the state and the QTIC Strategic Advancement Group, we launched the Queensland First Nations Tourism Plan (QFNTP) in 2019.
The QFNTP sets the framework to leverage our First Nations cultural heritage and stewardship of Country, together with Queensland’s distinctive mix of tourism product offerings, to inspire the development of a thriving First Nations tourism sector.
The QFNTP is accompanied by an action plan outlining way in which we can implement the Plan. To access the Action Plan click here.
First Nations Tourism Working Group
To guide the implementation of the QFNTP and action plan a working group was been established. The Working Group examines the development and implementation of actions under the six pillars in the QFNTP.
The makeup of the group is varied and takes factors such as location, gender, experience and business acumen into consideration. In addition to those criteria, members were chosen based on their ability to address certain aspects of the plan and their dedication to supporting and developing First Nations tourism. See our dedicated working group members, here.
The First Nations Tourism Working Group was also supported by a group of industry experts. Expert Advisors had experience in various industries and provided valuable insights and advice on a needs basis. View our Expert Advisors, here.