Tourism Industry Business Capability Development Program (TIBCDP)
The Queensland Government allocated $3,000,000 (GST Excl) from the Growing Tourism Infrastructure (GTI) Fund to deliver a business capability development program for the tourism industry over a three-year period from August 2018 – September 2021. The objective of the program was to practically assist Queensland’s tourism industry in building its capability. Helping businesses become more competitive, adaptive and resilient, so that visitors could enjoy a consistently high standard of experience across the state.
QTIC designed, developed and administered the program in accordance with the TIBCDP Reference Group recommendations. The TIBCDP Reference Group was managed by QTIC, and included representation from the Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport, Tourism and Events Queensland, and the Queensland Regional Tourism Organisation Network. The activities for each year were determined by approved key prioirty areas that were identified through consultation with industry and the TIBCP Reference Group. Each priority area delivered a suite of programs to operators across Queensland.
COVID-19 significantly disrupted many of the assumptions and tools that business leaders relied on for decision-making, and therefore a solid framework for action and moving forward was essential. Four key business activities were identified to help Queensland tourism businesses prepare for reopening and to ensure competitiveness in a primarily domestic market for 2020-21 including: pivoting products and innovation, developing trade and new distribution channels, and reviewing and modifying existing marketing and promotional strategies.
The 2020-2021 TIBCF offered four webinars and one-on-one coaching sessions to businesses delivered by tourism industry specialists on the following topics:
- COVID reopening preparation,
- Pivoting product and innovation,
- Domestic trade and distribution, and
- Domestic marketing
If you would like further information, please contact QTIC on (07) 3236 1445.
This initiative was proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government through its Tourism Industry Business Capability Development Program.